The innovative system NAVDEC presented at the IMO

The 59th session of the Sub-Committee for Safety of Navigation (NAV) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) was held from 2nd to 6th of September 2013 in London.  This session was attended by the employees of the Faculty of Navigation: Professor Zbigniew Pietrzykowski, vice-president of NAVDEC LLC and Witold Kazimierski, PhD. They presented an informative document of the Polish group, NAV 59/INF.2. The document entitled ‘Report on research project in the field of e-navigation’ was included in the agenda item ‘Development of an e-navigation strategy implementation plan’.

This document was prepared by a team from the Faculty of Navigation, led by Professor Zbigniew Pietrzykowski (with the participation of the members of the Polish section of the NAV Subcommittee). The objectives of this document are:

  • to present the results of research on the possible applications of ICT in maritime navigation carried out in Poland, with particular interest in NAVDEC navigation decision support system, developed at the Maritime University of Szczecin;
  • to direct the change of navigational information systems towards decision support systems;
  • to highlight the need to define the requirements and standards for decision support systems;
  • to demonstrate the need for the inclusion of decision support systems in an e-navigation strategy. <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Plenary session

E-Navigation working group