Q: What is NAVDEC?
A: NAVDEC is the navigational decision support system - the first navigational tool worldwide that performs information functions as well as those typical for decision support systems.

Q: What is decision support at all?
A: In NAVDEC decision support means to provide maneuver recommendation for safe navigation, taking into account all ships in vicinity and Collision Regulations.

Q: How does NAVDEC support my decision?
A: NAVDEC decision support process includes following steps:
-gathering data about own ship
-gathering data about other ships
-indicate dangerous targets
–calculate safe maneuvers
-recommend optimal maneuver

Q: How can I install NAVDEC?
A: NAVDEC installation is typical for MS Windows applications. Installation wizards will guide you through all the process.
Please remember to install also external sensors like GPS and AIS which are necessary for achieving full functionality of NAVDEC.

Q: How do I run NAVDEC?
A: Running NAVDEC is as easy as clicking on NAVDEC icon.

Q: Do I need to have electronic chart for operating NAVDEC?
A: Electronic navigational charts provide a lot of useful information, therefore it is strongly recommended to provide system with such charts, although it is not necessary.
Without navigational charts system will provide decision support, but some data (like for example depth) will not be included in the analysis)

Q: Does NAVDEC include chart information?
A: NAVDEC has the capability of using and displaying the latest Jeppesen CM-93/3 format worldwide vector chart databases. Electronic navigational charts, understood as vector databases can be purchased together with NAVDEC from Sup4Nav LLC.

Q: Can I personalize my NAVDEC?
A: Yes. User can set a lot of functions according to personal requirements. These functions include configuration of chart presentation, interface settings as well as system feature settings

Q: Can I perform measurements on the chart?
A: Yes. User can measure distances and angles as well as use range rings.

Q: Can I insert my own information on the chart?
A: Yes. User can input own object in the form of text, points, lines or polygons.

Q: Can I monitor the route in NAVDEC?
A: Yes. NAVDEC provides all typical functionality for route management, including creating and editing routes and waypoints, as well as monitoring the route, including alerting.