Winners, from among the submitted applications, were elected by eminent representatives of business, science and the media: Bożena Gargas (President of the Institute of Industrial Design), Leszek Grabarczyk (Deputy Director of the National Centre for Research and Development), Krzysztof Klincewicz (Professor, Department of Management, University of Warsaw), Tomasz Lis (editor in chief Newsweek Poland), Piotr Przewrocki (entrepreneur, business angel) and Beata Tylman (director of team Innovations, R & D grants and tax consulting PwC).
The number of competition entries exceeded our expectations. They made themselves known companies from more than 30 industries, not only in the IT sector which annually spends on research and development over a billion dollars and employ a total of 44 thousand people. The trend is upward, which is a good sign for the future - convinced economist Beata Tylman, who represented PwC, which was responsible for reporting assessment methodologies.
Photo relations can be found under links:
- Summary of results:,artykuly,363930,1.html - Jury and winners of the competition innowacji,artykuly,363930,1,1,4.html - CEO of Sup4Nav Piotr Wołejsza with the prize (the best speech of the evening in opinion of many participants☺) <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>,artykuly,363930,1,1,9.html