The Maritime University of Szczecin got the European patent EP2504719 “A method and system of navigational decision support in the process of safe vessel navigation” granted by the European Patent Office. The subject of this invention is a method and system which substantially support navigational decisions made in the process of safe navigation of vessels, a sea-going vessel in particular. The inventors are scientists at the Faculty of Navigation headed by prof. Z. Pietrzykowski, Piotr Wołejsza, Janusz Magaj, Piotr Borkowski, Jarosław Chomski, Janusz Uriasz, Tadeusz Dziedzic, Marcin Mąka, Witold Kazimierski, Tomasz Szewczuk and Mirosław Wielgosz. The rights to the commercial use of the invention belong to the spin-out company Sup4Nav. The invention was implemented on ships operated by Polferries.
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